Ring Ring…!!
Please pick up the call; it is for you and your business.
Oh yes, a call from the new one minute manager, to help you with leadership development and managing people with their skills for business.
Are you confused about the scenario?
Well, this article is not just for new leaders and entrepreneurs, but this is the time to take a call for leadership development to grow together. It will not only help you in business, but it’s necessary to use these tips in real life, too.
So let’s start,
Do you find it hard to manage people? Or Are you afraid to speak or represent your point in front of others?
I know managing people isn’t that easy, especially when you are a newbie leader and even more difficult to speak up promptly. So how can it be possible to manage your team or colleagues in just one minute?
It sounds tricky and unbelievable.
Well, leaders around the world believe in this. This idea is represented in the most selling book – “The One Minute Manager” by Ken Blanchard.
I came across this book during my research, and I find valuable tips for managing people skills in business.
We wonder, either it’s social movements; workplaces; governing bodies; educational institutions; medical facilities or charitable and international organizations, every leader reaches their goals very effectively and with public support.
How can they manage a huge crowd or a group of people without even having personal interaction daily?
The reason is simple,
Somewhere along the line, leaders are committed to themselves to lead others with their skills.
And behind this, they follow only 3 secret actions during their business plan.

1. Set one-minute goals:
Setting a goal is a long-run process because it requires so many things to be performed and discussed.
To set one-minute goals, every leader supposed to plan like this;
- Schedule a meeting and plan the goals together with clear and brief information.
- Represent your expectations and provide them insight or good examples of best performance.
- Recommend your people to write down the goals and due dates in their diary.
- Ask them to review their goals every day and analyze their progress.
- Analyzing progress and what they are doing will meet their deadlines, or their work behavior matches their work process will only take a minute.
- And if they realize their work process is not what it is supposed to be, then encourage them to re-think and proceed with these steps again.
Embolden your team to prepare their goals and guide them to work on it correctly, and it will take you one minute only. And in the same way, every individual can also follow their goals in one minute.
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Now let’s move forward with the second act of managing people with their skills plan,

2. Give one-minute praising:
If you praise your employees and co-workers promptly, then they feel motivated, and you can find their work progress gradually increasing. Furthermore, to praise people you don’t have to spend more time, just one minute is enough.
Tips to give one minute praising:
- Parise people promptly or as soon as possible on their best job.
- Being specific for what they did is correct and so impressive.
- Always share how you feel good about their success or the right job and how it will help organizations.
- Pause praising them; to make them feel good about what they’ve done.
- Show your confidence to them that they will do all the next jobs with the same efforts.
- Support their success.
So, now we know the trick to cheer employees with their outstanding work. Now, what will you do if you find someone has mistaken?
Move forward with the last action of this plan,

3. Make a one minute to address the mistake:
Remember, you aim to help your team or individuals to get over from their mistakes.
So, redirect people on the nail.
- Confirm the fact behind the mistake and review it together.
- Be specific about how you feel about this mistake and how it will impact the results.
- Allow some time for people to think about your concern and their mistakes.
- Remember, it’s a mistake; not the person is wrong and lets them know about this.
- Be generous and remind them that you were, and you are confident in them, as they can do better.
So in the business, if you want to win the race, then you must have to win your team’s heart with these leadership skills, like together goal setting, praising, advising, and supporting their success.
But, communication and public speaking play a vital role. In the next article, we will discuss how to master a public speaking skill and how impactful it is for leaders.
Share your thoughts on the action plan for managing people skills in just one minute.
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