SMO Blogs

Well, you’re here because till now, you’ve selected the right product and designed a store. And now, you need guidance on bringing potential traffic to your Website. Because all left to do is generate sales, which can only be done by increasing the website traffic, Right?

Businesses have boosted their marketing and website investments in the past few years. Business owners realize that increasing website traffic through online marketing offers their clients various benefits with minimal risks and significant returns. The sole purpose of the marketing efforts is to convert leads into buyers. Thus, the main objective of your web marketing objectives is to attract a tonne of highly qualified traffic. 

And we can say that an effective marketing strategy can only achieve this goal. The amount of visitors to your Website determines how many chances you have for your company to make an impression on your users.  

If you take my advice, you should hire the best digital marketing agency. The digital marketing agency has a team of experts who offers affordable SEO and Social media marketing services and know how to drive traffic. By moving the traffic, they will also help you to analyze whether your Website is gaining traffic or not. 

What is website traffic?

Do you want your Website to Drive traffic? Of course, Yes, Right? That’s the only reason you’re starting or running a business. Without good traffic, it’s like having a swimming pool without water. If you’re confused about the website traffic, let me tell you that your Website’s users are your web traffic. It shows whether your online store is effective in attracting your targeted audience or not.

Web traffic is the only component that can develop trust in the minds of new audiences. 

Different types of web traffic

Now, let’s look at various types of web traffic:

1. Organic Traffic

A type of traffic that originates from search engine results like Google is known as organic traffic. When the users visit the search engine for any of their needs, they get various options, and among those, they choose the displayed results. The majority of the organic traffic comes from Google.

2. Referral traffic

This traffic doesn’t come from search engines and social media platforms. Without including search engines, the referral traffic arrives at your Website from another website. Active link-building efforts, such as guest blogging, will increase your referral traffic. 

3. Direct Traffic

Any traffic that has no detectable point of origin is considered direct traffic. Direct traffic does not come from any referring website. Your URLs should be neat, straightforward, and simple to remember to avoid losing direct traffic. You might also ask the visitors to save your Website for later visits. 

4. Paid Traffic

You might have gotten the paid traffic overview by reading the name. If you think that paid traffic comes from promotions and paid advertisements, then let me tell you that you’re Right. Social media, websites, apps, or Google can generate this paid traffic. 

5. Email traffic

In digital marketing, email traffic is the type of traffic that comes from the email marketing campaign. Because it originates from leads and customers you already have, it is one of the most potent sources of driving traffic. 

6. Social Traffic

All the traffic that your website receives from social media platforms. Social Traffic increases when a user accesses your Website by clicking a link on social media platforms. For social traffic, hire social media experts because they know how to improve this traffic. Some of the most used and most liked social media sites are:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Twitter
  • Linkedin
  • Tiktok

7. Offline Traffic

All the traffic types we’ve mentioned so far originate from digital channels. However, it is also feasible that users found your Website through offline means. You may track the visitors who visit your Website through these offline channels. 

Proven ways to increase web traffic

Here, we’ll discuss the ways that can help you to boost your web traffic:

1. Make your Website search engine friendly

When you first start, concentrate on locating the keywords that describe your specialty and can use them as the foundation for your blog posts. For each web page, you should focus on one or two keywords. So, to find the relevant keywords, you can also use some SEO tools. 

The best way to drive traffic is to find the best keywords for your blog posts and never forget to take their benefits because they’re the only way to gain organic traffic.

2. Ensure that your content is recallable

Simply posting the content is not enough; you should also need to make sure that it stands out from the competition. By keeping adding fresh and relevant content, you’ll be able to increase your website traffic. Your information must be accessible on Google to deal with users’ inquiries. When you concentrate on your content, then it will improve your web traffic.

3. Develop your backlinks

Backlinks are one of the crucial elements of SEO. When another website links to yours, Google is informed that your site is pertinent and reliable to the keywords. Backlinks can increase traffic to your store. 

4. Keep your social media profile active.

Social media plays an essential role in driving traffic. You can keep sharing information on social media platforms; responding to users’ comments, tagging them, and reposting their work will help keep your audience engaged. If you’re using social media to boost traffic, keep up with current hashtags and trends. To motivate your visitors to click on the link, include some fantastic facts about the content.

5. Keep an eye on your competitors.

To be the first choice of the audience to need to be sure that you’re better than your competitors. For the audience to believe you, you first should assume that you’re better than your competitors. So, you must first understand how your rivals get traffic to their Website. This question will help you create better strategies than your rivals. 

6. Send email newsletter

Email newsletters to promote or market your content are a great way to increase website traffic. Please build an email campaign so that the subject line and body grab the reader’s attention. 

  • Include the link or button to give subscribers access to additional content
  • Ensure that your email is mobile-friendly
  • Put personalized strategies by including the name of the subscriber

Undertaking these steps will help you to boost your Website traffic. 

7. Keep adding new products daily.

It’s always beneficial that you keep your material frequently updated. By adding new products to your Website, you’re encouraging the visitors to keep visiting your Website. They are more inclined to visit your online store if they come to know that you have something new for them.

8. Get influencers

Many industry professionals are keen to educate their followers. Getting influencers is effective because the users trust them for honest reviews. Businesses can interact with the influencer in various ways. They can ask the influencers to promote their products and services on social media platforms. 

9. Utilize visual content

The online content that mainly uses images is referred to as visual content. Visual content helps the users to recall your brand and help them to understand your message. Some examples of visual content are online videos, memes, charts, pictures, and diagrams. Platforms with solid visual components like Instagram and Youtube are expanding quickly. 

10. Launch a podcast

The podcast has a large audience. So, to bring traffic to your online store, you should prefer launching or starting a podcast. Starting a podcast will help you in various ways like

  • Though podcast people will hear about you and your brand
  • It will help you to deliver value to your listeners and build long-lasting results
  • It can also help you in giving the personalized experience

Audiences prefer podcasts because they can learn about your brand by performing any work.

11. Learn how to sell on Youtube

Create Youtube advertising, include links in your description or ask other Youtubers to post your links on their videos, which can increase website traffic. You may increase your Website’s visitors by continuously putting in a new video. If you don’t have enough or satisfactory followers, you can request the Youtubers to promote you and pay them a fee.

12. Include social share buttons

Add or Include social sharing buttons on your Website to ensure they can be shared. You can add these buttons on product pages, blogs, articles, and images. These buttons will give access to the users to share your material on social media sites, which will help boost your Website traffic and provide social proof. This strategy is undertaken because if your network loves your posts, it will encourage them to visit your Website. 

13. Build a forum of your own

Use your Website as a forum where you welcome people to talk about things other than your company and its products. Create an atmosphere that can encourage the individuals to discuss the subject related to your expertise. In active forums, there are always new conversations and new reactions that lead the visitors to return to your Website. 

14. Issue a press release

Do you have any exciting news that can be shared? If yes, then make a press release and publish it. After posting the release, you should also share it on the syndicated sites. These services can help your brand and press to reach new audiences. And this can help you to boost your web traffic.

15. Produce retargeting advertising to attract visitors again

Only some users will buy something when they first visit your Website. And if you want them to return to your Website, then you should consider retargeting ads as they are pretty effective. 

To increase traffic, consider basing your retargeting advertising on user behavior. You may personalize and enhance the user experience by using automation. Further, it will get activated based on the customer’s online actions.

Tools to check the website traffic

Now, it’s time to look at the tools that can help you to understand whether your Website is getting enough traffic or not. 

1. SimilarWeb

As one of the online website traffic checker tools, SimilarWeb will help you check your competitor’s website traffic and determine which marketing tactics are more effective. This tool will give metrics like the number of pages viewed, visit duration, and top traffic sources. With SimilarWeb, you’ll receive comprehensive reports on the website’s traffic strategy rather than just search traffic.

2. Google search console

As a free tool, the Google search console will help you to analyze your search engine traffic. This tool will give you a crystal-clear picture of how your Website is viewed on the search engine. 

Further, it will inform you about the keyword and the search volume for which you are ranking online. Getting this knowledge will allow you to generate traffic. 

3. Serpstat

Serpstat provides a wide range of unique SEO tools. Its website traffic analysis tools offer helpful information, such as paid and organic traffic, popular pages, and monthly visits. But despite having a tonne of functionality, it’s pretty simple to use. Once you enter the URL, this programmer will present the entire traffic report. 

4. SEMRush

SEMRush helps you to analyze your traffic and also your competitor’s traffic. Among various tools, SEMRush is the best tool for analyzing and tracking website traffic. These tools will give you information about new visitors, time duration, and the number of pages viewed. You can get a breakdown of your competitor’s overall traffic by just entering the URL.

5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is among the popular SEO tools. You can use it to view how much traffic your rivals receive and the factors contributing to their high rankings. This tool is trusted by the brands like Netflix, Facebook, and much more.

To make the perfect use of these website traffic tools, you must hire a Digital Marketing agency because they know which tool is best for your business.

You may find this useful : 12 Top SEO tools to boost your traffic in 2022 | How Can SEO Drive Traffic To Your eCommerce Website? | Best SEO tools that Drive Traffic to your Business | Steps To Create a Digital Marketing Strategy | How to Use Google Search Console to Improve SEO?
